"Just like Eve," a spiritual quest and forbidden love story novel, is finished and free right here!
"Just like Eve" follows the forbidden love story and the spiritual quest of married heroine Jasmine, ordered out of her church for a kiss with the youth pastor, Davie, also married. Jasmine and Davie both contend with their unfitting marriages, their forbidden love, the rules of the church, and the conventions of marriage and divorce. Meanwhile, for the kiss, Jasmine is accused again of being “just like Eve,” a phrase she heard at eleven for asking why Noah let God drown the world.
She's prompted to investigate the figure of Eve from its original Hebrew text and discovers not only that Eve is seeking wisdom (to be admired), but also that the Hebrew word for serpent is linguistically tied to the word for messiah, and that the Hebrew word ezer, translated as “helper” for the woman, is closer to “life-saver,” a play on words for Eve (havah) which means “life-giver." She first notes even the plain text in English presents Eve as cursed not only with child-birth, but also to “desire her man” who "will rule over her.” Unwittingly, Jasmine turns Augustine’s interpretation of Eve, still widely accepted today, on its head, liberating Eve, herself, and women from "centuries of misunderstanding."
Follow the chapters below to start from the beginning (and click at the bottom for the following chapter) or click onto any selection anywhere in the middle.
Or, to start with Jasmine's discoveries, the Adam and Eve text clearly overturning what the church claims about Eve and women start with "Life-giver, Life-Saver, Life Force"
To start with the climax, leading up to the kiss: "Love 30, Part 1"
1. Why did Noah let God drown the World?
2. Does a Beer do anything to tempt a guy?
5. Coaching from the Sidelines
6. Jasmine's Journal: The Fisherman
7. Silence. Eyes without Words
10. Jasmine's Journal: The 5 Stages of Grief in Forbidden Love
14. They Lied (Davie's 1st conversation with Ethan)
17. Ex-communicated from a Protestant Church?
20. Too Cool, Super Great Birthday
24. Love 30, Part 4 (the kiss)
27. That's a Lot on your Plate (Davie's 2nd conversation with Ethan)
28. The Inner Feminine: Life-giver, Life-saver, Life force?
31. Jasmine's Journal: Our Completion Within
32. Head-shaking Lot of Change (Davie's 3rd conversation with Ethan)
34. Jasmine's Journal: Liberating Eve
"Just like Eve" and everything on this blog is copyright protected.
2023 by Karina Jacobson. All rights reserved. Please use
only with permission from the author.
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