Whispers of Mystery

Whispers of Mystery
Unknown source. Please e-mail me if you know the artist.

Metaphors of Life

            In October and November, 2024, a succession of visions about a week apart unexpectedly appeared.  I perceived them as metaphors of life and they arrived as my whispers of mystery do: as flashes that interrupt my own mundane thoughts, those petty thoughts of my “human self.”  Since messages to me have been auditory, these visual images playing like a video were a new surprise. 

Each one presented a different metaphor from a different facet fitting into my reflections of the “human self” and the “eternal self," two distinct parts within ourselves.  Quite unlike Augustine’s convoluted logic, still mysteriously taught by some churches, we are not made “in sin.”  The creation of Adam is shown clearly in Genesis 2:7 in two parts: from the dust of the earth (the human self) and from the divine breath (the eternal self).  Both are natural and neither part should be despised.  They are often in conflict, however, and since the human part is physical, tangible, it is the part we identify with, leaving the eternal part elusive.

Click below for the Metaphors of Life visions posted thus far:

The Smorgasbord

Artificial Sweetener

The Deep-end Diver and the Backstroke Swimmers

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