Much of today is marked by grief, and grief trumps resolve in this moment. In mourning, may our hearts move to Christ and to the love He taught. May He then turn our mourning into dancing.
The following poem is a revision of one I wrote shortly after Katrina. The original version further blended the two events and expressed deeper sorrow over the inadequacy of "resolve."
We could say the word for this poem is "Paradox" for it calls us into love and harmony, while it also looks at ourselves in a way that could draw a few into anger. But transformation can only come through facing those areas calling for it. May we be willing to carry the humility that leads to the New Jerusalem. Amen.
The word we thought we'd cry
as we watched our towers of pride
Fallen! Fallen!
The word we embraced in its place,
swearing to move forward
in our own direction of pride
The word that resists resolve
by choosing to turn around
and move in a direction of humility
The word God chooses
for those who rely upon themselves
and not upon the Lord
The word the victims cry out
when their leaders choose resolve
and forget their plight
The word we cry
for healing in our land,
brokenness of our pride,
sadness for affliction,
grief not only for harm done unto us,
but also for harm we have done unto others,
but also for harm we have done unto others,
and a change in our own hearts and minds
The new word
for a new time
when harmony will reign
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