“Far be it from Thee to do such a thing,
to slay the righteous and the wicked,
so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike.
Far be it from Thee!
Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly?”
(Gen 18:25)
March, 1990
didn’t discover herself to be progressive until her sophomore year of college. In fifth grade, she was simply a curious kid
in a conservative Christian family attending a conservative Christian church. No one at that time, least of all Jasmine
herself, perceived her to be odd in any way other than inquisitive. When her mother couldn’t answer one of
Jasmine’s tough questions, she’d say, “I don’t know, Sweetie, but you’re a
smart cookie, so go find out.”
other adults would feel as her mother, Jasmine did. That usually meant asking them, especially
the Sunday school teacher she adored.
But by the time her Sunday school class made it to the destruction of
Sodom and Gomorrah, Jasmine had already learned that Mr. C. was particular about
which curiosities he did and did not like. Questions,
in general, he wanted, but some were off limits, and Jasmine began trying to
keep off the off limits questions.
hero shown to be as thoroughly great as Abraham was in Genesis 18
should have made Jasmine’s task easy.
The lesson began the usual way with all students pulling out the BE
Bibles, standing for Bibles for Everyone, they had received in third grade.
Mr. C. offered John, the first in
the class to recite his memory verse, the chance to start the scripture reading
from Genesis 18. Such an offer is usually
an honor, but on this day, John appeared to be only modestly in the mood to
read. “Read as far as you like,” Mr. C
continued, “and then I’ll take it from there, ok?” John nodded, read the first two verses, then
looked up to Mr. C. “Verse 3,” nodded
Mr. C, “He said, ‘If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your
servant by.” Mr. C emphasized the words
“found favor” and paused before continuing.
He gazed through the room, looking at each of his students to telepathically remind them of the previous
lesson that Noah had “found favor” with the Lord. His eyes sparkled as if to
say, “Do you, too, wish to find favor with the Lord?” Jasmine caught no look of scorn or contempt
from him, and he gave Jasmine the same warm-hearted gaze that he gave to the
other students. Everything will be okay.
Mr. C continued to the verse he had
selected for the week’s memory verse, Genesis 18:18-19: “Abraham will surely
become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed
through him. For I have chosen him, so
that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of
the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for
Abraham what he has promised him.”
moment,” Mr. C interrupted, applying one of his favorite phrases. “What have
you learned so far?” “Abraham must have
been a very great man!” Francine declared.
Jasmine’s heart was bursting to share her answer: “Abraham’s going to
become a nation! That’s cool!”
But, still too timid to speak up, she remained quiet. She wished later she had spoken up. Mr. C would have approved.
At verse 23 Jasmine’s heart
stopped. The class had just read that
Sodom and Gomorrah and sinned greatly and that the Lord was about to punish
them just as greatly. Then, in verse 23,
Abraham stood up to God! “Then Abraham
approached him and said: ‘Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in
the city? Will you really sweep it away
and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it?” (Gen
18:23-24). Jasmine’s heart was
bursting. Go Abraham! She stood breathless, waiting for Mr. C to
pause, to take a moment to capture this amazing teachable moment. Abraham truly did deserve to become a nation!
But he didn’t pause. He continued, and the story got even better. “Far be it from you to do such a thing – to
kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked
alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do
right?” Wow. Abraham really spoke up to God! Tingles ran up and down Jasmine’s spine with
excitement that this great hero of the Bible, who “found favor,” who was
promised to become a “nation,” stood up boldly with the Creator of the Heavens
and Earth!
Now Jasmine was bursting for him to
pause. This moment was much too
“teachable” to miss. Abraham was showing
himself to be a very great man. He was
standing up for the people to God Himself.
All for the sake of righteousness.
He was even calling God into righteousness. Abraham was her new hero.
Mr. C still didn’t stop, and the
story kept getting better. God listened
to Abraham! Mr. C continued onto verse
26: “The Lord said, ‘If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I
will spare the whole place for their sake.”
Wow, Abraham had just bartered with God, and God had agreed. Jasmine would have stopped right there,
soaking in her victory. But Abraham
didn’t. Abraham was really bold. He asked if God would spare it for
forty-five, and God agreed He would; then Abraham asked if he’d spare it for
forty, and God agreed He would; then Abraham bargained for thirty, then twenty,
then ten. God even agreed to spare the
city for ten righteous people – because Abraham asked him to.
Jasmine sat in her seat wide-eyed
and stunned. What if Noah had done
that? Would God have refrained from
drowning the world if Noah had asked God to spare it for a few righteous people?
Throughout the remarkable conclusion
of the chapter, Mr. C never paused, never took a “teachable moment.” Now with the chapter read, the time had come
to discuss it. Mr. C began with boring
questions: Who were the characters involved in this passage? The students filled out the cast: Abraham, Sarah,
the mysterious three men, and all the sinful people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Then he asked about the sinful people. What might have made them sinful? Jasmine was impatient. When would they talk about Abraham standing
up to God? But her classmates played
along and cited some ways the cities might have been sinful: greedy, drinking
too much, being lustful, stealing, and so forth.
Mr. C asked a real question: “What made Abraham different from the people of
Sodom and Gomorrah?” Still silent, not
wanting to make any mistakes before the teacher she so admired, Jasmine
couldn’t wait for one of her classmates to answer this question. But their replies were mindless. “He gave hospitality,” said Francine, “by
treating those three mysterious men to a meal.”
“Very good, Francine,” replied Mr. C, “I bet many of the people of Sodom
and Gomorrah wouldn’t have done that.”
“He washed their feet!” added Rachel.
“No one in Sodom and Gomorrah would have done that!” Again, Mr. C smiled and nodded. “Good point, Rachel! Washing feet was considered a very special
blessing, and in those days, people’s feet were very dirty, so many people did
not offer a service so special.” “They
didn’t have shoes like ours!” cried John, “and they didn’t have showers like we
have. Think how stinky their feet
were!” Then all the kids started
laughing, thinking about the stinky the feet.
laughed too, but she was still bursting.
What about Abraham standing up to God? Isn't that like Pres. Reagan standing up to Pres. Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall that Mr. C. had so enthusiastically praised him for a few months earlier? Wasn't it brave of Abraham to stand up to God on behalf of the people?
None of them said anything like that, and Mr. C. wrapped it up. “On that note of stinky feet,” he clapped, “let’s
remember the story by drawing a picture.” Pulling out paper and colored pencils and
suggested the scene of Abraham showing hospitality. Jasmine couldn’t stand it any longer. “How about Abraham standing up to God?” Mr. C looked at her quizzically, and she
added, “Isn’t that what really sets Abraham apart from the people of Sodom and
Gomorrah? He stood up to God? He asked God to be righteous?”
C was flummoxed. Jasmine had just single-handedly
ruined his lesson. Again. She had been silent throughout the entire
lesson. And now she had just ruined
another lesson. “No, Jasmine, Abraham
was different because he was righteous and the people of the two cities were
sinful.” He shook his head and then
walked to pick up some colored pens.
“Now, why don’t you draw the scene of Abraham giving hospitality to the
three men?”
couldn’t bring herself to draw that scene.
There was only one scene that made her burst with excitement: Abraham
negotiating with God. She drew God as a
great, big fluffy cloud and Abraham looking up to him with one of his arms raised
up. She added a speech bubble with Abraham saying, “How about 10?” and a speech
bubble from the cloud that said, “OK.”
Mr. C looked at her picture and shook his head. This time, at least, he released a thin smile
when he said, for the second time, “Jasmine, you’re just like Eve.”
© 2018 by karina. All rights reserved. Please use with permission or a citation that links to this blog.
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